Cost of ownership
Attention to detail is what makes the Inferno the highest quality field marker that money can buy. Introduced in 1997, with units in service around the world, in all weather conditions, the Inferno is the most reliable, lowest maintenance paintball gun available. When your income depends on reliability and cost of ownership, the Inferno is the only choice, as it generates more profit per ball than any other site marker available.
Reasons for field operators to own a Inferno:
Lowest gas consumption of any site gun
Longest lasting parts, due to high
quality materials
Parts available next day – made in the UK
Anodized for longer lasting finish
The most reliable site gun available
Lowest cost of ownership of any site gun in the business.

Eleven years on site and still going !
Infernos just keep going and going. Built with high quality materials and anodised for longer life, giving longer lasting parts and unsurpassed reliability. The lifespan of the Inferno is the longest in the business, meaning that if it is properly maintained, it will last 2 to 5 times longer than our competitors, resulting in the best return on investment in the industry.

Cost of maintenance
Using less gas and less spare parts are obvious costs that contribute to the total cost of owning a marker, however an item that most people forget is the cost of the labour to fit spare parts and generally maintain a marker, which can become considerable as the work must be done by a trained or experienced person.
In the case of the Inferno the parts last longer than any other site marker in the business, keeping your costs to a minimum. A marker that requires frequent parts changes will incur labour costs that will become quite significant, even if parts are supplied free of charge.
Markers that require frequent parts changes will fail more frequently, which is not what you need when you are trying to run a paintball game, which can cost a field operator significant income while the customer is not shooting paintballs

Low gas consumption
Infernos use a third less gas than some competitors. So you won’t face large gas bills.
Field strip in seconds
Simply remove the cocpin and bolt, allowing quick cleaning of the barrel,  |
Designed and built with quality and performance in mind, by Arrow Precision and Belsales, the people who bought you the unparalleled performance of the Evolution range of tournament markers.
Built to last, from selected corrosion resistant materials, made to exacting tolerances on our state of the art CNC machines, anodised for durability and then hand finished by the same craftsmen that make the Evolution range of tournament markers and accessories.
This gun is not only built to last, but to perform reliably, day in day out, game after game, ball after ball. It has been thoroughly field tested under the most adverse weather conditions, summer and winter ... and like the work horse it is, it just keeps on going.
Using the same technology that gave you the world renowned Evolution valving, we have employed a special high flow valve and boost chamber, that gives the Inferno exceptional cold weather performance and consistency.
"The gun exceeded all our expectations, in terms of accuracy and firepower, we designed it as an entry level gun but it's just too darn good" - Keith Belsey designer of the Evolution and Inferno
We believe the Inferno to be a market leader in terms of reliability and built in features.